This page gives your own personal card of the day (the day starts and ends at midnight GMT). It gives an overview of your day and any particular issues or opportunities to look out for.
This card signifies open-heartedness. Your ability to accept others as they are, without judgement and with no expectations of them, gives you an endearing quality that draws people to you. Because you are able to function from your heart energy, the universe responds by enabling you to accept its gifts while you offer your own gifts of love and compassion to others.
This is a time of abundance, a time when your dreams are about to be realised, filling you with a sense of blessedness. Allow yourself to enjoy what is being offered to you, without questioning it, because it is your own positive energy that is finding its way back to you. A healing is taking place on many levels, so allow yourself to celebrate the bounty of life.
Question to ponder: Are you willing to receive as well as to give?