This page gives your own personal card of the day (the day starts and ends at midnight GMT). It gives an overview of your day and any particular issues or opportunities to look out for.
The Temperance card indicates that there is a need for you to explore dimensions of your inner self, to discover what you feel is important to you. The focus of this card is moderation and balance - the ability to experience and explore the state of equilibrium that results from the knowledge that you are a many-faceted being and can develop any aspects of yourself that you wish to.
At this time, extremes should be avoided. It is important that you keep your centre and resist the temptation to rush off at a tangent. Changes are taking place within you, so give them time to make themselves felt.
The Temperance card reminds you that an alchemical process is taking place deep within yourself, which will give rise to new realisations and creative energy.
Question to ponder: In what area of your life is there a need for balance and moderation at this time?